International Student Ministries - Choir
Canberra National attracts students from all over the world who come to study at the Canberra Universities.
We run an active ministry for our International Students, providing them with support when they first arrive in Australia, regular lunches together, an International Students choir which provides music to the local church community and other churches in the vicinity.
For further information please contact Mele Penfound at gpenfound@bigpond.com

Men's Ministry
This is a specific men’s ministry that organises activities for men. Our aim is to connect you to God and others, with a result of life on mission towards God’s purposes. Through seasonal gatherings, healthy small groups, and dynamic serving opportunities that launch faith into action.
Women's Ministry
Our Women’s group aims to welcome women with open arms, connect them to God and others, equip them to live out God’s purpose for their lives, and send them out to share Christ’s love with their communities and the world.